Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (PDF)

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (PDF)

Thermodynamics is the science that seeks to predict the amount of energy needed tobring about a change of state of a system from one equilibrium state to another. Whilethermodynamics tells us nothing about the mechanisms of energy transfer, rates of change,and time associated with a system changing from one equilibrium state to another, it is stillthe lynch-pin that allow us to answer these questions

The laws of thermodynamics are applicable only to equilibrium states which means that thestate does not really change significantly with time, differences in variables between the stateof a system and its surroundings are of infinitesimal magnitude and that within the systemitself there are no spatial variations of the variables that determine its state. Usingthermodynamics, we can predict the amount of energy needed to change a system from anequilibrium state to another. For example it will take about 75 kJ to change 1 kg of air at25oC and 1 atm to 100oC and 1 atm. It will take much more energy, about 2257 kJ, to change1 kg of water at 100oC and 1 atm to water vapor (steam) at the same temperature and pressure.

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Book informationValue
Publishing companySabyasachi Sen
Publishing year2010
Capacity2.78 MB
Book languageEnglish

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