Engineering Fluid Mechanics ( PDF )
Any physical situation, whether it involves a single object or a complete system, can be described in termsof a number of recognisable properties which the object or system possesses. For example, a movingobject could be described in terms of its mass, length, area or volume, velocity and acceleration.Itstemperature or electrical properties might also be of interest, while other properties – such as densityand viscosity of the medium through which it moves – would also be of importance, since they wouldaffect its motion. Tese measurable properties used to describe the physical state of the body or systemare known as its variables, some of which are basic such as length and time, others are derived suchas velocity. Each variable has units to describe the magnitude of that quantity. Lengths in SI units aredescribed in units of meters.
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Book informationValue
Publishing companyT. Al-Shemmeri
Publishing year2012
Capacity4.91 MB
Book languageEnglish