A Short History of the United States

A Short History of the United States

In A Short History of the United States, National Book Award winner Robert V. Remini offers a much-needed, concise history of our country. This accessible and lively volume contains the essential facts about the discovery, settlement, growth, and development of the American nation and its institutions, including the arrival and migration of Native Americans, the founding of a republic under the Constitution, the emergence of the United States as a world power, the outbreak of terrorism here and abroad, the Obama presidency, and everything in between.

“In 2008, Americans face war, terrorism, recession and the rising economies of China and India. Yet the author avers there is still reason to hope for good leadership. Astute assessments of an evolving nation and ideal reading for November voters.” — Kirkus Reviews

A much-needed, concise history of the United States of America by National Book Award winner Robert V. Remini.

This accessible and lively volume contains the essential facts about the discovery, settlement, growth, and development of the American nation. Beginning with the earliest travelers to landing the Americas, A SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES is a kind of highlight reel of U.S. history, including the migration of Native Americans, the founding of a republic under the Constitution, the emergence of the United States as a world power, the outbreak of terrorism here and abroad, all the way through the last years of George W. Bush’s presidency—the perfect read for those who are searching for an abbreviated version of our nation’s history, what shaped it, changed it, and what may be to come.

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Book informationValue
Publishing companyRobert V. Remini
Publishing year2008
Capacity4.08 MB
Book languageEnglish

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